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🚨Please bookmark the new official domain.🚨

Hello YugenAnime Family,The YugenAnime team has added a new video player (NinjaStream) that supports multiple subtitles. If you encounter any issues with it, please be sure to comment and inform us so that the YugenAnime team can fix it. In case of any problems, kindly use the (HS Player) as an alternative.

Yugen Team

Yugen is a passionate and creative author that provides its audience with all the great anime content at proper time. For that, it won many people's trust by providing their favorite material at the proper time. It has a great connection in the media industry from where it brings out various anime-related news and upcoming project details. This makes their audience very excited for the upcoming serials. It has a great command over the Japanese and English language and tries to bring in real Japanese and also in dubbing form. As we all know anime has created a huge viewership around the globe and has great hype all over the world. People love to watch anime and for that, they dubbed them in various languages. There are various popular anime that have great demand and various anime are released from the anime industry. So we just made sure that our audience got all the upcoming anime details and their character at the proper time. All the content provided by this Yugen is very classic and has great video quality.